Many thanks are due to my incredibly gifted father who took the time and care to assemble not one, but four beautiful maple and walnut inkle looms based on my rough pine ones from the workshop. He also put together a special one for me based on a photograph of the Cendrel which allows for up to 17 feet of inkle or card-woven bands. The loom also doubles as a warping frame which is the main reason I wanted it built. Also, he put a special one (similar to the first four) together for my best friend, which she received by post a little over a week ago.
This is a photo of one of the four identical inkle looms he made. The one he made for my best friend is similar--prettier still...
And this one is the one that's based on a picture of the Cendrel loom. It isn't identical, in fact it's far sturdier, and prettier than the loom in the image he worked from.
My dad has always been particularly crafty when it comes to wood work. These were absolutely phenomenal gifts and I am very grateful to have a talented dad like him! I can't wait to put them all to good use in future workshops! I've been using the Cendrel style loom practically non-stop since it was built. :)
Love you pops.
Hearts off the charts!