Because time is limited at the Jam, I will have the picture frames all threaded, tensioned, and twined. This will allow for maximum weaving time, and for me to show some nifty techniques (for which I will have to refer back to my college notes, as I have only really chosen to use a few of them in my own work so far). I will provide detailed handouts on the threading and tensioning, and of course, my business card in case anybody is inclined towards a more in depth lesson!
After all the Boreal Jam is about the creation of the art, and is supposed to be FUN as well as informative, so we will cut to the chase and get folks hooked before we bombard them with threading, tensioning and twining. :)
My picture frame loom in action:
I am so happy to pick up tapestry again. Its been three years since I last wove anything. This little picture frame concept really appeals to me because, unlike my big Gobelin, I can take this with me when I go visiting etc. I love portable projects. :) I sacrifice size for portability in these picture frame looms, but I still love weaving big, and have a plan to start something very major(and ginormous) on my Gobelin this summer. I already have a concept in mind that should force me to experiment with techniques other than the ones I used in my grad work. It is something I think my mom will LOVE. :)
Sarah Sarah are gonna love this. Shall I teach you when I come? It would be such excellent practice for my workshop. :)
Oh! Here is a picture of a pile of inkle shoelaces, that I have been mass producing on the Cendrel replica my dad built for me.