Friday, 11 January 2008

We wove inkles a wot !

Hello all! I got back from my Christmas vacation in the great white north and took a few days to get back into the groove. Here are some images from our final inkle weaving workshop in December!
Brightly colored future guitar straps:

Bookmarks galore:

Here's a very creative idea! These are pretty burgundy and gold tree garlands:

Super-fun shoelaces (the ones on the left are card-woven):

Snap-on bracelets:

I would like to thank all the ladies who participated in my first inkle workshop. Thanks a million! I had so much fun and I hope you all did as well. Excellent work everyone! Three cheers!

Hearts off the charts!


Sarah K said...

That's awesome!

I look forward to learning how to make all these extremely fun looking patterns, now that my very own loom is here!

I will call your dad on sunday to thank him!

Sarah K said...

The bracelets are a great idea, and HEY I HAS A GUITAR! I should make it a strap! AN ARGYLE STRAP!

I wish I had a good camera.

Ashley said...

I love your weaving. I am hoping to get a table top loom this year for my birthday. Can't wait!!