Saturday, 10 May 2008

Funny lookin bunch...

Well here are some pictures of the defluffed alpacas. They are all legs and necks. It's awesome and it makes me chuckle over my morning coffee every day. Fluffy is the most curious one. If there is a head in the immediate foreground, chances are its Fluffy.

Group shot! Got four out of five. On the left is Chantal, then MacFluff, then Airo, and Thunder behind him.

Oh Fluffy. MacFluff. He's all like "mmmchop?


This one below is Honey. She stands so dainty compared to the others. We are currently unsure as to her pregnancy. Apparently she has fooled the previous owners every time. Last time the lady had just mentioned to her husband that they should do a preg check on her cause she couldn't feel a baby in her belly, and the next day she popped out a little cria. So we are going to be prepared for it. She'll be due near the end of June.

And my silly muttski just can't stand it when I pay too much attention to the Alpacas, so today when I was taking the photos he made a big fuss, whining and groaning and showing me his belly, until I finally gave him some TLC.

Here is a shot of the juice mix dye work that I got up to after shearing last week. I like it because its quick and easy. I purposefully made the dyes weaker so that I could get some baby colors. Remember, I am gonna be an auntie in November!

Also, I got two books in the mail from Amazon the other day. One of them is about start to finish spinning, and I have already gleaned a ton of info out of it, just from scanning the pages. For instance I found out that I can use some local plant life as blending fibre, like cattail fluff, and thistle down. I CAN'T wait to collect some! I think I'll have to wait until fall for both.

Okay well that's it for now! Scroll down to see my tapestry cartoons...
Hearts off the charts,

Tapestry Cartoons...

Okay, these are some rough ideas for a series of tapestries I'd like to weave up over next winter. I want to purchase the wool for them bulk and dye the colors myself so that I have total control over all the gradations. I hinted the areas that will be done in opalescent and pearl pinks using a marker, and the rest of the images I want to weave in a cool grey scale (one that leans hard to blue). Like I said they are still rough concepts. I am already thinking of refining a couple of them, and I have several more ideas brewing as well, but I wanted to post them so that sarakat, keems and nomers could see what I have been talking about in Afrodiary.

This is the first design I drew. I had been looking at a lot of medieval tapestries and paintings...

Anyways, I would love any reactions/interpretations/feelings if anyone wants to leave a note.

I had fun with these. I am still having fun. Many many more ideas are materializing(pun intended :P). They would also lend themselves well to my pen and ink freakiness. I think I will put together an Art Zine from the ones I don't use as cartoons. Then I can have those available at the show as well.

Don't ask. Just wonder.

And this one is loaded...

Okay sounding boards...
Gimme an earful?
Love n such,