Friday, 8 February 2008

Jam the Man!

Hello all!

Once again it seems to be longer between entries, but alas! I haven't got around to taking any more photos of the few fibre type things I have been working on. Plus I don't want to give away too much about the missedmas presents I am working on for my bestest in the westest. :) regular posting should resume after I return from my vacation in Kamloops. I should have plenty of photos of the crafty stuff we get up to while I am there.

I have also been busy prepping my CV and Workshop proposal for the Boreal Mixed Media Arts Jam this coming Labour Day weekend. I hope to put on an introduction to tapestry workshop.
This is a shot from the jam last year...albeit not a very good one. This just gets the campsite. There were actually a great many people out there learning all sorts of stuff from soapstone carving to songwriting and acrylic painting...

Check out, for anyone who is curious.

Ciao for now!


Sarah K said...

teaching tapestry in a camp setting? That sounds pretty awesome and mildly surreal to me.

JQ said...

Yes. I am still trying to iron out some things. It will be basically a crash course. I need to figure out how to keep the warping and twining time to a minimum, and have frames that work but are very simple to make. If I can't figure these things out int he next week i guess it will be a felting workshop.

Sarah K said...

Well, felting is nifty too!