Friday 7 December 2012

Hello Hello!

So much has happened since I last made a post!  I'll try to keep a long story short.

In April my husband found out he got a wonderful new job working as computer tech for a school division, which required us to move out of the city, and we found an affordable acreage near the town of Bruno!  This filled out hearts with joy, since it's a dream we share to live and raise our children in a country setting. But it was a long summer spent waiting for our city home to sell, and renovations on the country home to get finished before we could make the big move.

Now we are actually here, and it feels SO good!  For awhile I was afraid the baby would arrive before we'd actually had a chance to move, and that I'd be nursing him amidst a pile of unopened boxes, but as it turns out he decided to be fashionably late. Handsome baby boy number 2 arrived at supper time on October 3 and stole our hearts away with his first not so tiny cry. He weighed 9lbs 3 oz and was almost 22 inches tall.  Yet another potential football player!  Between hubby and the two boys I'm already having visions of the piles of ginormous, smelly, size 14 shoes inhabiting my porch!


I'm also super stoked to announce that plans are in the works to transform one of the outbuildings here into a fiber studio in April 2013!  It's also a huge relief, because in the move I was made to face the sheer enormity of my fiber stash, which includes a great deal of collected equipment for workshops.  Also, I'm drowning in yarn.  Mostly found at bargain stores, garage sales and second hand places, most of it is Really Useful Stuff. Hard to pare down!!  But there really isn't much room in our house to stash all this stuff, especially with two kids and all the equipment they come with.  Sooo for the time being I have two looms looming in my living room, and the rest of my stuff packed to the ceiling in the spare room downstairs, waiting for a proper home.  I am very thankful to have a hubby who supports (enables) me, and doesn't mind that he can't use the front door because there is a loom in front of it, or that the house craftsplodes around holidays, or just before a craft sale, or most times just because "I had an idea".  He's awesome.  I love him dearly. 

On September 24 2012 I wove the final threads and cut the Rose tapestry off my loom. I have yet to do the finishing and framing, but it's off!  My tapestry loom looks so empty and sad now.  I guess I'll have to get started on another. :p




I took these details from all kinds of angles to try and give a better idea of the surface textures.  It's SO hard to photograph fiber art!

Just the finishing and framing to do!

Best Wishes during the Holidays and Always!
Happy Creating!



Gottwinkies said...

OH,YAY! Congrats! On baby Henry, on move on everything, dear lady! I love your beautiful art....tapestry...the gorgeous work in your pictures, lol! So good to hear everything is doing ok, and better than ok, it sounds like, lol. I love you Really Useful Stuff category...I have oodles of those RUS boxes, too!

JQ said...

Thanks Twinkies! We are very happy to be here, and Christmas is coming too! It's my favorite time of year because it kicks my butt into production mode. Just not enough hours in a day! :p

Anonymous said...

Your tapestry is beautiful. So is your new baby! So much happening in your life, it's no wonder you weren't blogging! Good to see you back at it. Lynne

Jenny Bellairs said...

Congratulations on Henry and your new home. Henry is beautiful! I hope you will be able to fit some creative endeavors in between caring for two little boys. I always found doing some planning while sitting and nursing were satisfying, even if the project never happened.